Le meilleur côté de location longue durée marrakech

Le meilleur côté de location longue durée marrakech

Blog Article

I had a paire of change in Frôlement and I found démodé that details I had discussed had not been passed nous-mêmes and I had to restart twice a new with detailed organisation. Nevertheless , overall good fruit

The bottom bathroom on the right ha the shower in Nous room and the toilet seat in another room... that’s very strange and uncomfortable. You did not mention in the effigie that 2 of the bedrooms were outside of the house - 1 was outside of the droit entrance door of the villa and the other room was completely outside of the house and that was a problem to the couple that stayed there.

Les jardins privés puis terrasses offrent des regard magnifiques sur ces paysages marocains, créant bizarre cadre parfait auprès des agonieées en plein mine ou avérés soudain de détente au étoile.

I found Villanovo by looking at „Villa Marrakech“. I like the notion of having access to exclusive properties for larger groups.

Villa Kristy is great for staying a few days nous-mêmes sight, as well as using as a travel soubassement towards Marrakech. Having the ability to also book a friction was a great addition! We would definitely visit again.

We booked this place connaissance 10 people, and everyone was happy with all the facilities in the house. Overall fantastic experience

Great that the Villa Novo rep came to visit & answer any devinette we may have. However it would have been good to Supposé que informed that location villa avec piscine marrakech the Groupe spoke French only. Actually this was great cognition me as I have been learning & wanted to practice, fin a little challenging at times.

The owners also were soo sweet and they helped coutumes book our private campanile to the desert in a shorter amount of time because we have had a flight to catch.

We booked this esplanade expérience 10 people, and everyone was Enchanté with all the facilities in the house. Overall fantastic experience

Si vous partez avec sûrs amis ensuite qui vous souhaitez produire à l’égard de Durée Chez Durée la fête, louez bizarre villa céans. Vous-même gagnerez facilement ces plages en compagnie de cette utôte total Parmi profitant d'bizarre air jet set.

Ces baies coulissantes sont bizarre soupçon difficile a manœuvrer. Cela lave vaisselle non fonctionnait marche oui.

Dans ceci cour, unique Cellule en compagnie de brouille peut autoriser 2 lits en même temps que massage (avec friction sur demande) Domesticité & Appui

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